Friday, January 10

Eat up pinterest pins!

Ever since upgrading to a smart phone 2 months go, I'm into apps. I only downloaded about 5 or 6, because I don't like a cluttered screen. Plus, when I have so many, I can't find what I'm looking for, goodbye usless apps.
One of my first, and favorites is of course Pinterest. what can I say, I'm a junkie. I disabled the notifications on my email, they cluttered everything up (I am not as tidy as it may seem), but I get the notifications on my phone. That's fun. I get a daily reminder of what I pinned before, I pin so much, sometimes I forget.

Around the holidays I noticed one pin in particular was getting repinned. A lot. As in, everyday a few times a day, after checking, I noticed that it has been repinned 103 times! Wahoo?!
I know that there are some people that have about a gazillion repins, but to me, this is a lot!
I need to find that recipe! Find out what's so special! So, what is it?
I love Gingerbread, I love anything ginger, it is probably my favorite spice, I eat it, I drink it, I put it in pretty much 80% of what I bake.
I made Gingerbread about 10 years ago, but I mixed up the recipe and got real chewy cookie globs instead of the biscuit type of gingerbread. It was a bad (although tasty) experience. I was still living at home, and my Dad thought that anything I baked that wasn't exactly how it was supposed to turn out was a waste, which is also pretty much why I stopped baking until I moved into my own place. I got hell for it, even though it was tasty.
I have the most amazing Candied Ginger chocolate chip cookie recipe ever, there are only about 5 left after the finish cooling, and none by the end of the next day. They are seriously that good. I'll share, you can make your own though :)

Back to pinning, I never made that recipe, I pretty much pinned it because it was cute and that was all. I hope at least 1 in that 103 found inspiration and baked them.
But that got me thinking I should definitely start doing more of what I pin, right? Scrolling down my "eat up" board I came across another "lots of pinned" post- but I am not going to even try to make those, as easy as I know meringues are. But they sure are pretty, right?
Take a look at another great pin- How amazing would that be to serve at a girls night?! Some people are so talented and creative!

So, what am I going to make? try to make?

Totally Delicious Homemade Bagels From Food on the Food blog

Gotta love fresh bagels and cream cheese! They'd make a great sandwich on Sunday too.
Maybe Bread Rolls?

Rosemary Bread Rolls From Sips and Spoonfuls

Don't those look amazing? I'd be afraid to make them for just Y and myself though, I might eat them all myself!
Or maybe these little guys?

Soft and Buttery Pretzels From Averie Cooks

I'm waiting for Y to come home and then ask his opinion, but one of them will be in my oven by this evening.
Maybe I'll be able to sneak in some ginger cookies as well!

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